General Introduction
Getting started
Quality control and feature tabulation
Taxonomic classification
Metabarcoding analyses on Crunchomics
Welcome to the Metabarcoding - QIIME2 workshop!
Welcome to the Metabarcoding - QIIME2 workshop!
General Introduction
Time and place
How to prepare?
Install QIIME2 version 2021.2
Familiarize yourself with UNIX
OPTIONAL: Sign up for the Crunchomics cluster
OPTIONAL: Become a member of the amplicomics group
Getting started
The data package
Windows subsystem for Linux - users
How to use this tutorial?
Where to start
Activating your conda environment
Skipping steps
Quality control and feature tabulation
Prepping the manifest file
Importing data
Primer removal
Feature table construction
Deblur denoise
DADA2 denoise
Taxonomic classification
Importing the database
Extract reference reads
Train the classifier
Taxonomic classification
Taxonomic barplot
Metabarcoding analyses on Crunchomics
Some preparatory steps
Setup your environment
Define global variables
Setup your working directory
Importing data
Primer removal
Feature table construction
Deblur denoise
Taxonomic classification
Extract reference reads
Train the classifier
Taxonomic classification
Taxonomic barplot